Water supply
Export to hydraulic models
This module exports all relevant data on the network, facilities, equipment, and consumption, into the software for hydraulic modeling. Since most of the software can load data in EPANET format, we chose to have export in that format. Export is done in ASCII and ESRI shape format. If the need arises for support and some other format, we will be happy to accommodate.
The functioning of the module boils down to the need for transformation of the geodetically-oriented data of the basic module into topology in the form of “node-section” as required by hydraulic models. An additional problem, that this model solves, is the transformation of all equipment that is recorded in the geodetic model as points (pumps, valves, pressure reduction, …) into segments, as required by the hydraulic modeling.
A link to the business information system is used to define the average daily consumption in the nodes of the model. An algorithm “relocates” this consumption from the address centroids, (consumption points) or from connection points (water meter points) into the nodes of the model. For hydraulic models which have this built-in function, original consumption points can also be exported.
In order for this module to function, in addition to the basic (geodetic) module, the installation of the Module for additional hydraulic description is a prerequisite, and if you wish transfer basic load (consumption) data into the hydraulic model, then you will need to install the model for linking with the business information system.
Whether the user himself carries out the hydraulic analyses or uses the services of an engineering company, this module will be very useful to him. With it, at any moment, it is possible to create an updated hydraulic model of the system being managed.