
Link to the Business Information System

The business information system contains a quantity of valuable spatial data and therefore the need to link the technical and business information system, arises by itself. The technical information system contains all of the spatial positions of facilities, equipment and piping of the utility infrastructure, and therefore by establishing this link, data of the business information system can be accessible throughout the space and can be used for all GIS analyses.

This link is associated to data on users (consumers) of services and the data related to the service itself (e.g. water meter number, date of last replacement, readings on consumption, grave inventory number, identity of deceased, etc.).

After establishment of the link, data from the business information system can be used for positioning, visualizations, selections, statistics, spatial analyses, in the same way that data from the technical information system is used.

The link comprises the following utility infrastructure: water supply, sewage, gas, waste disposal, optical network infrastructure and cemeteries.

These data are often a prerequisite for the functioning of other modules, such as the module for water supply, for example: water loss management in the accounting process of water sold in the DMA zone.

The possibility of accessing and analyzing data from the business information system significantly increases the functionality of the information system.